Why Do You Need Meta Marketing?

Meta Marketing
6 min readFeb 18, 2021


Even to those with a basic knowledge of contemporary business marketing, it is a well-known fact that a visible online presence is crucial to achieving sustainable success. The buyer journey flows online and offline on multiple platforms and devices. In order to ensure that your marketing efforts convey the same message throughout those touch points, there must be continuity within your strategy to tie all elements into one message that’s consistent with your audience. While knowledge is one thing, however, it is quite another to translate this into actionable steps that can create a prominent web presence. This is important across all sectors, especially those that are competitive by their nature.

Historically, businesses in competitive markets would set about this challenge by creating optimized websites. These online resources would include information about the brand and its core services, while developers would integrate basic plugins to allow simple functionality. Operating alongside traditional advertising campaigns, this dual-purpose marketing strategy would target potential consumers and aim to convert them into sales.

What exactly is Integrated Web Development?

There’s a common misconception that integrated marketing is a strategy, when in fact, it’s a holistic approach used to provide users with a seamless experience across all channels, tying all marketing efforts together cohesively. It means working together from the start and developing with optimization in mind. It means working as a team during the development process; combining each individual unique skill set to create a website that is optimized for the web. Each channel is essentially used to reinforce the message and create a unified tone throughout every aspect of the brand. Consistent messaging and reinforcement encourages users to take the desired action, like making a purchase or providing an email address.

The Differences between Standalone Websites and Web Presence Marketing

While the development of a standalone website and television advertising campaign may drive business growth, however, these costly strategies do little to engage individuals and encourage two-way interaction. Instead, they communicate a core message for consumers to digest, without providing any opportunity for real-time dialogue or interfacing. This type of one-side conversation is completely outdated in the modern marketing world, and this highlights the main difference between standalone websites and alternative web marketing techniques. While the former draw online visitors and help to provide information about the business in question, the latter can be used actively pursue a target audience and engage them in real-time social conversation.

On a similar note, modern trends suggest that a good online marketing strategy should strive to engage customers across multiple channels. While this includes websites, these standalone entities are relatively restricted in terms of their ability to engage unique visitors and volume of traffic that they receive. In contrast, other aspects of web presence marketing (such as CRM, social media marketing and the use of video-on-demand) can help businesses to actively target a high volume of local customers while interacting with them in real-time and when they are most engaged with the brand.

What Are the Benefits of Integrated Marketing?

1. Consistent Messaging and Unified Brand Voice

People are bombarded with thousands of advertisements every day which makes it hard to remember each message. With a unified brand voice that delivers a consistent message, your audience is more likely to recall your ad through all the digital noise.

2. Increased Visibility

Connecting your marketing vehicles helps increase brand visibility. Search and display campaigns are a way to increase visibility outside of social media and email to start building recognition. Once your audience has noticed your brand, it opens other marketing opportunities like remarketing campaigns to reinforce your message.


3. More Cost Effective Than Siloed Marketing Tactics

It’s more cost effective to create one message that can be used across different mediums that is clear and straight to the point. Because there are multiple touchpoints in a buyer’s journey, having different messaging for each channel divides the campaign and it’s not as effective or as comprehensive as an integrated approach.

With every Google update, marketing experts seem to sound the death knell for SEO. While more stringent guidelines and algorithms may have triggered a marginal decline in the demand for traditional SEO services, this simply highlights that the boundaries have changed and that brands are attempting to redefine their strategies. This decline has also been triggered by the fact there has not been an update since Google announced changes to the way in which data was collated, creating uncertainty among webmasters who have previously been penalised.

There are a number of things that can turn a user away from your website. Does the site take a long time to load? Is it clear right away what the topic of the website is about? Is the website easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? These, and numerous other questions, are the ones you should be asking yourself.

Support your hypothesis with data. Consider the conversion funnels and user paths. Determine where users drop off. Take a look at bounce rates, average time on site, and conversions to determine your strongest pages and also your weakest. Then, work towards building up these pages until they are performing better than before. When you think of the user your conversion rate should increase correspondingly.

The truth is that SEO is crucial if you are to optimize your website and secure a prominent Google listing in relation to your chosen keywords, however, as this will enhance your online visibility and make it easier for customers to find your website through local searches. In addition to this, you should create a presence that has been optimized for mobile devices, whether this is a standalone website or one that can be accessed through the main site. Mobile searches are continuing to grow at the expense of traditional desktop-generated queries, so failure to create a responsive mobile landing page will cost your venture.

CRM and Online Business Portals

Managing an integrated web presence marketing strategy is extremely challenging, thanks to the numerous independent elements that require monitoring. This can be effectively achieved with the installation of an online business portal and updated CRM software, which will enable you to manage your social interactions with customers, drive conversions and monitor your reputation within the sector. This can provide valuable data sets, which in turn can help you to improve your marketing strategies and ensure that you are actively engaging new and existing new customers. By integrating as many management features as possible within a single dashboard, you will find it easier to monitor your relationships and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Integrated marketing sounds great, right? So why haven’t all organizations adopted this approach? The simple answer is, it takes an internal effort to shift toward an integrated approach. Integrated marketing is customer-centric, and we should increase collaboration between different organizational departments so that every aspect of the customer journey, from web design to interactive applications to digital marketing can all work together to create a unified experience.

Transitioning to an integrated marketing approach can take some getting used to for traditional agencies that work on siloed marketing tactics. It’s important to have a team of leaders who can support the shift by managing the change within each department. These leaders will be important pillars to help drive this new approach.

The first step is to work toward an overall encompassing idea which requires cooperative planning, as this will help inspire your team and encourage collaboration. This approach may be new to everyone in your agency, and it’s important that each department teaches others how they work through processes and explain the ideas behind them. This transparency will help integrate teams and help them work together toward a more holistic view.


Using an integrated marketing approach to create a cohesive omnichannel experience is critical. Content is a part of every user touchpoint and messaging must be relevant and consistent in order to resonate with the user. As marketing evolves, we’ll start to see more agencies adopt the integrated approach because it works and can help you get better results.

As an integrated web marketing agency, we are able to provide our clients with streamlined, customer-centric strategies that engage and resonate with their target audiences. Ask us how we did it. We’re more than happy to chat about our experiences or any upcoming project you have that requires an experienced marketing team to help drive your traffic.

To learn more, visit our website Meta Marketing (themetamarketing.com) today.

